The health and safety of our patients, staff and visitors at Relevium Chiropractic are very important. We review changes daily, and incorporate information from the CDC, Minnesota Department of Health, WHO, and Minnesota Chiropractic Association. We are committed to remaining open and available to all the patients who might need us.

Some of the key operational changes we have made so far to limit the likelihood of COVID transmission:

  • Allowing additional time to see patients so we have time to properly disinfect.
  • Discontinued walk-in visits to ensure that we are able to triage all patient symptoms before patients arrive at our facilities.
  • Enacted visitor restrictions to one parent/guardian per patient.
  • Implemented telemedicine visits that will allow patients to discuss symptoms, progress, recommendations, plan and determine immediate need for care
  • Tables and components are disinfected between EVERY patient.
  • Any additional therapy equipment and supplies are either disinfected or disposed of properly between every patient.
  • The clinics will be cleaned and sanitized before and at the end of day in preparation for visitors.

If you have an upcoming visit or are wanting to schedule and are experiencing any of the following symptoms, please call the office and reschedule for a later date. It is also recommended that you enter a 2 week self-quarantine.

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Repeated shaking with chills
  • Cough (productive or non-productive)
  • Bronchitis or respiratory infection
  • Sore Throat
  • Inexplicable body aches and/or headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Shortness of breath
  • Digestive Complaints, including vomiting or diarrhea
  • Severe fatigue not associated with travel, myalgia and/or arthralgia.

It is recommended that you enter a 2 week self-quarantine if you or anyone you know:

  • Have any symptoms of COVID-19
  • Are waiting to be tested for COVID-19
  • Are waiting for test results for COVID-19
  • Have tested positive for COVID-19
  • Have traveled on an airplane in the past 2 weeks

People who are at higher risk:

  • Respiratory or pulmonary disease
  • Smoking, current or past
  • High blood pressure & anyone currently on an ACE inhibitor or other medications(s) related to high blood pressure
  • Immuno-deficiency
  • Chronic illness or compromised immune function, including chronic colds/illness this winter
  • History of heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • GI disorders (Crohn’s, colitis, etc.)

Social Distance
We are following CDC recommendations to minimize risk to our patients, visitors and our employees. We respectfully ask everyone to use social distancing guidelines while visiting our clinic by allowing at least 6 feet of space between each person.

Since we have spaced our appointments, we want to be respectful of others and have patients efficiently and safely take care of front desk tasks promptly. If the situation does not permit time at the front desk, we are more than happy to call you or you can call when you have time.

Should you require appointments outside of these modified hours, please let us know and we will try to accommodate on a case by case basis.

As the events regarding COVID-19 evolve, we will continue to monitor the CDC, Minnesota Department of Health, WHO, and Minnesota Chiropractic Association and make changes accordingly.